Roles and Responsibilities of DBA
Responsibilities of Database Administrator (DBA) are as under:
1) Schema Definition
- Logical Schema of database is defined by DBA.
- A Schema is a overall logical description of database.
- In short database is designed by DBA.
2) Storage structure and Access method
- DBA decides that how data is represented in database.
- DBA also decides that in which manner data is accessed from database.
3) Defining Security and Integrity constraints
- Security and Integrity constraints of database is defined by DBA.
4) Granting of authorization for data access
- Which part(view) of database is accessed by which user is determined by BDA.
- According to users need different privileged are given by DBA.
- This is necessary to prevent unauthorized access of database.
5) Interaction with user
- It is DBA's duty to provide a data(by forming a view) to user.
- User should be able to write external Schema.
6) Assisting application programmers
- Once database is created, DBA assist to application programmers to develop application program by creating data dictionary.
- Using data dictionary application programmers can interac with database.
7) Performance Monitoring
- DBA monitors the Performance of the system.
- DBA also ensure that better performance is . Maintained by making change in physical/internal or logical/conceptual Schema if necessary.
8) Recovery and Backup
- Database should be kept safe.
- Backup should be kept in Storage devices like CD, DVD, HDD, etc...
- Database should be recovered from backup files in case of virus attack or any failure.
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Good coverage and each topics explained with relevant example.Well explained!!!